Family Law Mediator Background Information

DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided by the mediator and has not been independently verified by the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. The Court provides this list of mediators as a public service. The Court does not endorse, recommend, or make any warranty pertaining to the qualifications or competency of any provider on this list. Inclusion on the list is based on the representations of the mediator. The Court assumes no responsibility of liability for any act or omission of any mediator on the list.

Inskeep, Don R
Firm Name:
Don Inskeep
2230 Elsinore Rd
Riverside CA 92506-1537
BAR Number:
ADR Experience: (Arbitration, Mediation & Settlement Conferences)
Riverside County Bar Association DRS | 100 Family Law Mediations | 1990-01-02 | 
Riverside County Bar Association | 150 Fee Arbitrations | 1985-01-02 | 
State Bar of California | 10 Fee Arbitrations | 1985-01-02 | 
  Remote Services:
This arbitrator / mediator offers their services remotely (over phone/video conferencing technology).
Subject Matter Expertise Area(s):
  • Accounting
  • Business
  • Construction
  • Conservatorships / Guardianships
  • Contract
  • Elder / Dependent Abuse
  • Family Law
  • Landlord Tenant / Neighborhood
  • Legal Malpractice
  • Personal Injury
  • Probate
  • Public Agency
  • Real Property
  • Wills / Trusts
Languages Spoken:
(Other Than English)


Plantiff Representation: 90%

Defendant Representation: 10%

Current Practice & Professional History (Temp Judge Exp):
Riverside County District Attorney's Office 1970-1999
Private Practice Criminal Law 1999-2007
Since 2007 practice limited to Arbitration and Mediation
Judge Pro Tem from 2000-2007 (about 400 hours including 2 jury trials)
Educational Background:
BA Economics UCLA 1966
JD Law Univ. of California Berkeley 1969
ADR Training:
Judicial Council #4781, Riverside Superior Court | Ethics Standards for Court-Connected Mediators | 6.0 | 2020-10-08 | 
Bar Association of San Francisco | Fee Arbitration: New Arbitrator Training | 2.75 | 2020-09-17 | 
Administrative Office of the Courts | Rules of Conduct for Mediators | 1.5 | 2020-02-16 | 
Riverside County Bar Association | Mediation | 1.0 | 2020-10-13 | 
Riverside County Bar Association | The Use and Misuse of Apology and Forgiveness in Mediation | 1.0 | 2020-10-25 | 
Riverside County Bar Association | How to Make the Most of Your Court Ordered Mediation Session | 0.5 | 2019-03-15 | 
RCBA and Riverside Superior Court | Judicial Demeanor Course for Temporary Judges | 3.0 | 2020-12-04 | 
Riverside County Bar Association | Zoom Arbitration | 1.0 | 2020-11-12 | 
Professional Licenses:

Arbitration Approach:
Informal, allowing parties and attorneys to present whatever seems important to them, whether admissible evidence or not
Briefs & Other:
Briefs stating legal and factual positions with the current best offer are greatly appreciated
Fee Information:

Rate Per Hour: $150

Rate Per Half Day: $400

Rate Per Day: $750



DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided by the mediator and has not been independently verified by the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. The Court provides this list of mediators as a public service. The Court does not endorse, recommend, or make any warranty pertaining to the qualifications or competency of any provider on this list. Inclusion on the list is based on the representations of the mediator. The Court assumes no responsibility of liability for any act or omission of any mediator on the list.