DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided by the mediator and has not been independently verified by the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. The Court provides this list of mediators as a public service. The Court does not endorse, recommend, or make any warranty pertaining to the qualifications or competency of any provider on this list. Inclusion on the list is based on the representations of the mediator. The Court assumes no responsibility of liability for any act or omission of any mediator on the list.
Los Angeles Superior Court | LASC | 1995-08-01 |
Plantiff Representation: 30%
Defendant Representation: 70%
Judge Pro Tem, LASC - Southwest District (Torrance) approximately 1990 Current practice is real estate, mortgage banking, bankruptcy and personal injury law.
BA Commerce (Accounting), Rider University, New Jersey - 1968 JD Western States University, Fullerton, CA 1976
Unknown | Mediation | 40 | 1995-08-01 |
Cal. Real Estate Broker - No. 01352377
Cordial, objective risk management approach. I try to help the litigants understand the process they are in and their risk(s) of litigation.
Mediation brief with identification of any peculiar issues or law.
Rate Per Hour: $400
Rate Per Half Day: $1200
Rate Per Day: $2400
DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided by the mediator and has not been independently verified by the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. The Court provides this list of mediators as a public service. The Court does not endorse, recommend, or make any warranty pertaining to the qualifications or competency of any provider on this list. Inclusion on the list is based on the representations of the mediator. The Court assumes no responsibility of liability for any act or omission of any mediator on the list.