DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided by the mediator and has not been independently verified by the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. The Court provides this list of mediators as a public service. The Court does not endorse, recommend, or make any warranty pertaining to the qualifications or competency of any provider on this list. Inclusion on the list is based on the representations of the mediator. The Court assumes no responsibility of liability for any act or omission of any mediator on the list.
I served as counsel in many arbitrations prior to becoming a full time mediator and arbitrator. I now serve as an arbitrator and have arbitrated approximately 50 cases, including banking matters, contract disputes, malpractice, fee disputes, and various consumer matters. I was trained in arbitration by the American Arbitration Association and through my training as a Judge Pro Tempore in the San Diego Superior Court, and have continued CLE in this area through the California State Bar (6 hours). I have participated as counsel in over 30 settlement conferences concerning a wide variety of matters.
Plantiff Representation: 0%
Defendant Representation: 0%
After 20 years of practice as a transactional attorney, and then a litigator focusing on complex litigation, class actions and other litigation including civil rights, employment, erisa, commercial disputes, partnership and agency disputes, unfair business disputes, insurance sales practices cases, entertainment disputes, banking disputes, consumer claims and 17200/17500 claims, fraud, RICO, and false claims act cases, and personal injury matters, I now only mediate and arbitrate and serve as a judge pro tem. I am a temporary judge for the San Diego Superior Court.
J.D., Order of the Coif University of Maryland (1990) University of California at San Diego (1987)
"Mediating the Litigated Case" (42 hours, Jan. 2009) Pepperdine University School of Law, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution "Mediation" (32 hours, May 2008) NCRC "Arbitration Principles" (17 hours, Oct. 2008); AAA "Mediation CLE" (6 hours, Sept. 2009) California Bar
King & Spalding, Atlanta 1990-1993: Transactional & complex litigation involving international banking disputes. Law Ofices of Marc Stern 1993-1996: Litigation involving employment, sex & race discrimination, contracts, fraud and product liability/toxic tort. Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach: 1996-2003 (Partner) Lead counsel in nationwide class actions concerning consumer fraud, insurance, and race discrimination. JoBeth Halper Litig. Group, PC: 2003-2008: Prosecuted and defended class actions involving fraud, employment/wage & hour, RICO, contract, consumer, entertainment.
I use a variety of approaches depending on the dispute and the relationship of the parties. I find that a mediator's ability to be flexible is critical to the success of the mediation. I am facilitative and evaluative as the situation calls for skills, and use a variety of methods to help my parties resolve their cases.
I prefer short concise briefs. I will set the schedule and briefing, if any, jointly with the parties as appropriate.
Rate Per Hour: $750
Rate Per Half Day: $3000
Rate Per Day: $7000
$395 per hour Reduced rates considered.
Western Region(Riverside, Corona, Moreno Valley); Mid-County Region(Southwest, Temecula, Hemet, Banning); Eastern Region(Indio, Blythe); at the above business address; at the facilities of one of the parties' counsel or other appropriate facilities.
DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided by the mediator and has not been independently verified by the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. The Court provides this list of mediators as a public service. The Court does not endorse, recommend, or make any warranty pertaining to the qualifications or competency of any provider on this list. Inclusion on the list is based on the representations of the mediator. The Court assumes no responsibility of liability for any act or omission of any mediator on the list.